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=== PopularFX Website Templates === Contributors: pagelayer, softaculous Tags: pagelayer, wysiwyg, design, maintenance mode, coming soon, under construction, website builder, landing page builder, front-end builder, site-builder Requires at least: 4.7 Tested up to: 6.1 Requires PHP: 5.5 Stable tag: 1.2.3 License: LGPL v2.1 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html The most advanced frontend drag & drop page builder. PageLayer is a light weight but extremely powerful Website Builder. With PageLayer you can create great looking websites much faster. Works with any theme and any page. == Description == Pagelayer is a WordPress page builder plugin. Its very easy to use and very light on the browser. Pagelayer works with any WordPress theme. Pagelayer is a real time editor and you can create beautiful web pages and web sites in a few minutes ! You dont need any programming knowledge when using Pagelayer. Pagelayer comes with top-notch features with a great UX and simple UI. [Home Page](https://pagelayer.com "PageLayer Homepage") | [Support](https://pagelayer.deskuss.com "PageLayer Support") | [Documents](http://pagelayer.com/docs "Documents") == Widgets == We have large number of widgets so you can design your page by selecting the widget from widget area. == Drag & Drop Editor == Design your page by dragging widgets from given choices of widget. You will be able to create amazing sections of your website much easily. And you can move them by simply dragging them. == Real Time Design == Whenever you make changes on your page it gets updated instantly on your page. It helps you design your page quickly by saving your time. == In-line Editing == Simply click on any text and by typing you can add your new text. A variety of header and text options enhance your experience as well. == Typography == With this feature you can beautify your page content by changing font-size, weight, transform, decoration. You can also add google fonts to beautify content of page. == Duplicate == Simply click on this option and it will create exact copy of existing element by saving your time. == Animation == Create your page more attractive with animation effects that trigger when the element is in display area. == Styling Options == With large number of styling options you can design your page the way you want such as: background overlay, background image, box shadow etc. == Easily Customizable == Each widget has multiple options to fully customize the widget such as change font colors, sizing and spacing. == Widgets in the Free Version == * Row * Columns * Title * Rich Text * Quote * List * Icon * Badge * Tooltip * Image * Image Slider * Video * Grid Gallery * Button * Tabs * Accordion * Collapse * Image Box * Icon Box * Space * Embed * Shortcodes * Counter * Google Maps * Testimonial * Progress Bars * Color Block * Alert * Divider * Social Profile * Star Rating * Anchor And more are in the making ! == Frequently Asked Questions == Do you have questions related to PageLayer ? Use the following links : 1. [Docs](http://pagelayer.com/docs) 3. [Help Desk](https://pagelayer.deskuss.com) 2. [Support Forum](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/pagelayer) == Screenshots == 1. **Widgets** You can drag and drop any widgets from the left menu. 2. **Quote Widget** Full width rows with a quote on the left and an image widget 3. **Image Slider** You can create beautiful sliders with Pagelayer. Its just a matter of choosing images. We also have multiple slider options. 4. **Image and Icon Box** Image and icon boxes can be created with overlays, etc. 5. **Image Widget** You can create image overlays with captions and also lightboxes with Pagelayer 6. **Sections** Pagelayer has a nice grid systems with rows and columns. You can create sections so much easily with Pagelayer == Changelog = 1.2.3 (Dec 07, 2022) = * [Task] Updated to the latest version of Pagelayer widgets. * [Task] Added the "HTML Tag" option in post title widget. Now you can select the tags to wrap the post title. * [Bug-Fix] In some cases, there was a PHP error when accessing the PopularFX license page. This has been fixed. = 1.2.2 (Feb 04, 2022) = * [Task] Updated to the latest version of Pagelayer widgets * [Task] Added pagelayer required notification on template page = 1.2.1 (Dec 15, 2021) = * [Task] Updated to the latest version of Pagelayer widgets = 1.2.0 (Sept 25, 2021) = * [Task] Updated to the latest version of Pagelayer widgets = 1.1.9 (July 6, 2021) = * [Feature] Added sort by option in the Templates List * [Bug-Fix] License key will be shown only to the Super Admin = 1.1.8 (May 11, 2021) = * [Bug-Fix] Fixed the install Pagelayer Pro function name = 1.1.7 (Mar 23, 2021) = * [Task] Minor UX changes = 1.1.6 (Jan 22, 2021) = * [Bug-Fix] pagelayer_get_the_excerpt function shifted to freemium_functions.php = 1.1.5 (Jan 22, 2021) = * [Task] Updated to latest Pagelayer version compatibility. * [Bug-Fix] WooCommerce compatibility issues fixed. = 1.1.4 (Dec 5, 2020) = * [Task] Updated to latest Pagelayer version compatibility. = 1.1.3 (Nov 5, 2020) = * [Added] Added option for the top / bottom position for the contact form success / failed message. * [Added] Added "Open link in new window (tab)" option to the social widget. * [Bug-Fix] After submitting the contact form the default success/failed message was not shown if the message was not set from the setting. This is fixed. * [Bug-Fix] The post content widget was not working properly for the password protected posts. This is fixed. = 1.1.2 (Oct 28, 2020) = * Added single page import option * If there is an AJAX failure during import, detailed AJAX error report will be shown. * Version checks for templates added ! = 1.1.1 (Oct 14, 2020) = * Added fix for http://www.domain.com URLs which maybe like http://domain.com = 1.1.0 (Oct 14, 2020) = * Added option to re-download template = 1.0.9 (Oct 14, 2020) = * Major bug fix for templates folder getting deleted when PopularFX theme was updated ! = 1.0.8 (Oct 13, 2020) = * When adding the license for the first time within 30 minutes of issuing the license, an Invalid License error was coming. This is fixed. = 1.0.7 (Oct 12, 2020) = * Mobile View of Blog Template Fixed = 1.0.6 (Oct 7, 2020) = * Fixed license loading issue = 1.0.5 (September 29, 2020) = * Improved the Freeium Widgets for more options to edit. = 1.0.4 (September 26, 2020) = * If the PopularFX theme is not installed, the template import used to fail. This is fixed now. = 1.0.3 (September 21, 2020) = * Undefined notice error fixed for $pagelayer = 1.0.2 (September 15, 2020) = * Made some premium options editable in the free version = 1.0.1 (August 25, 2020) = * Improved UX after installing the license = 1.0.0 (August 25, 2020) = * Released Plugin