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<?php /* * GoSMTP * https://gosmtp.net * (c) Softaculous Team */ // We need the ABSPATH if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; define('GOSMTP_BASE', plugin_basename(GOSMTP_FILE)); define('GOSMTP_PRO_BASE', 'gosmtp-pro/gosmtp-pro.php'); define('GOSMTP_VERSION', '1.0.5'); define('GOSMTP_DIR', dirname(GOSMTP_FILE)); define('GOSMTP_PRO_DIR', GOSMTP_DIR .'/main/premium'); define('GOSMTP_SLUG', 'gosmtp'); define('GOSMTP_URL', plugins_url('', GOSMTP_FILE)); define('GOSMTP_CSS', GOSMTP_URL.'/css'); define('GOSMTP_JS', GOSMTP_URL.'/js'); define('GOSMTP_PRO_URL', 'https://gosmtp.net/pricing?from=plugin'); define('GOSMTP_WWW_URL', 'https://gosmtp.net/'); define('GOSMTP_DOCS', 'https://gosmtp.net/docs/'); define('GOSMTP_API', 'https://api.gosmtp.net/'); define('GOSMTP_DB_PREFIX', 'gosmtp_'); include_once(GOSMTP_DIR.'/main/functions.php'); spl_autoload_register('gosmtp_autoload_register'); function gosmtp_autoload_register($class){ if(!preg_match('/GOSMTP\\\\/', $class)){ return; } $file = strtolower(str_replace( array('GOSMTP', '\\'), array('', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), $class)); $file = trim(strtolower($file), '/').'.php'; // For Free if(file_exists(GOSMTP_DIR.'/main/'.$file)){ include_once(GOSMTP_DIR.'/main/'.$file); } // For Pro if(file_exists(GOSMTP_PRO_DIR.'/'.$file)){ include_once(GOSMTP_PRO_DIR.'/'.$file); } } function gosmtp_died(){ print_r(error_get_last()); } //register_shutdown_function('gosmtp_died'); // Ok so we are now ready to go register_activation_hook(GOSMTP_FILE, 'gosmtp_activation'); // Is called when the ADMIN enables the plugin function gosmtp_activation(){ global $wpdb; $sql = array(); add_option('gosmtp_version', GOSMTP_VERSION); } // Checks if we are to update ? function gosmtp_update_check(){ global $wpdb; $sql = array(); $current_version = get_option('gosmtp_version'); $version = (int) str_replace('.', '', $current_version); // No update required if($current_version == GOSMTP_VERSION){ return true; } // Is it first run ? if(empty($current_version)){ // Reinstall gosmtp_activation(); // Trick the following if conditions to not run $version = (int) str_replace('.', '', GOSMTP_VERSION); } // Save the new Version update_option('gosmtp_version', GOSMTP_VERSION); } // Add action to load GoSMTP add_action('plugins_loaded', 'gosmtp_load_plugin'); function gosmtp_load_plugin(){ global $gosmtp; if(empty($gosmtp)){ $gosmtp = new stdClass(); } // Check if the installed version is outdated gosmtp_update_check(); $options = get_option('gosmtp_options', array()); $gosmtp->options = empty($options) ? array() : $options; } // The function that will be called when the plugin is loaded add_action('wp_mail', 'gosmtp_load_phpmailer'); function gosmtp_load_phpmailer($atts){ global $gosmtp, $phpmailer; if(!class_exists('GOSMTP_PHPMailer')){ // Load PHPMailer class, so we can subclass it. require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/PHPMailer/PHPMailer.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/PHPMailer/SMTP.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/PHPMailer/Exception.php'; class GOSMTP_PHPMailer extends \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer { // Modify the default send() behaviour of PHPMailer. public function send(){ global $gosmtp, $phpmailer; // Define a custom header, that will be used to identify the plugin and the mailer. $this->XMailer = 'GOSMTP/Mailer/' . $gosmtp->_mailer . ' ' . GOSMTP_VERSION; do_action( 'gosmtp_mailer_mail_pre_send' ); // If mailer not exists or send function not exists if(!method_exists($gosmtp->mailer, 'send')){ return parent::send(); } do_action( 'gosmtp_mailer_mail_send_before' ); // Are we to enforce from ? $gosmtp->mailer->set_from(); $exception = false; /* * Send the actual email. * We reuse everything, that was preprocessed for usage in \PHPMailer. */ try{ $is_sent = $gosmtp->mailer->send(); }catch(PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception $e){ $is_sent = false; $exception = $e; } // Get backup connection $backup_connection = $gosmtp->mailer->get_backup_connection(); $backup_sent = false; // Store current values $current_data = array( '_mailer' => $gosmtp->_mailer, 'mailer' => $gosmtp->mailer, 'conn_id' => $gosmtp->mailer->conn_id ); // Try to send email with secondary email if(empty($is_sent) && !empty($backup_connection) ){ $mailer = sanitize_key( $gosmtp->options['mailer'][$backup_connection]['mail_type'] ); $class = $gosmtp->mailer_list[$mailer]['class']; $parent_log = $gosmtp->mailer->last_log; if(class_exists($class)){ $gosmtp->_mailer = $mailer; $gosmtp->mailer = new $class(); $gosmtp->mailer->conn_id = $backup_connection; $gosmtp->mailer->parent_log = $parent_log; try{ $backup_sent = $phpmailer->send(); }catch(Exception $e){} } } // Reset connection $gosmtp->_mailer = $current_data['_mailer']; $gosmtp->mailer = $current_data['mailer']; $gosmtp->mailer->conn_id = $current_data['conn_id']; do_action( 'gosmtp_mailer_mail_send_after', $is_sent, $exception, $backup_sent ); if($exception && !$backup_sent){ throw $exception; } return $is_sent || $backup_sent; } } } if($phpmailer instanceof GOSMTP_PHPMailer){ return $atts; } // Load all mailer $gosmtp->mailer_list = gosmtp_get_mailer_list(); // For PHP Email dont do anything if(empty($gosmtp->options['mailer'][0]['mail_type']) || $gosmtp->options['mailer'][0]['mail_type'] == 'mail'){ return $atts; } $mailer = sanitize_key( $gosmtp->options['mailer'][0]['mail_type'] ); $class = $gosmtp->mailer_list[$mailer]['class']; if(!class_exists($class)){ return $atts; } $gosmtp->_mailer = $mailer; $gosmtp->mailer = new $class(); // Handle the from email name add_filter('wp_mail_from', [$gosmtp->mailer, 'get_from'], 100, 1); $phpmailer = new GOSMTP_PHPMailer(true); return $atts; } // This adds the left menu in WordPress Admin page add_action('admin_menu', 'gosmtp_admin_menu', 5); function gosmtp_admin_menu() { global $wp_version; $capability = 'activate_plugins';// TODO : Capability for accessing this page // Add the menu page add_menu_page(__('GoSMTP'), __('GoSMTP'), $capability, 'gosmtp', 'gosmtp_page_handler', 'dashicons-email-alt'); // Settings Page add_submenu_page( 'gosmtp', __('Settings'), __('Settings'), $capability, 'gosmtp', 'gosmtp_page_handler'); // Test Mail Page add_submenu_page( 'gosmtp', 'Test Mail', 'Test Mail', $capability, 'gosmtp#test-mail', 'gosmtp_page_handler'); if(defined('GOSMTP_PREMIUM')){ // Logs Page add_submenu_page( 'gosmtp', __('Email Logs'), __('Email Logs'), $capability, 'gosmtp-logs', 'gosmtp_logs_handler'); // Email reports add_submenu_page( 'gosmtp', __('Email Reports'), __('Email Reports'), $capability, 'email_reports', 'gosmtp_email_reports_handler'); // Export Page add_submenu_page( 'gosmtp', __('Export'), __('Export'), $capability, 'export', 'gosmtp_export_handler'); // Email reports add_submenu_page( '', __('Email Reports'), __('Weekly Email'), $capability, 'weekly_email_reports', 'gosmtp_weekly_email_handler'); // License Page add_submenu_page( 'gosmtp', __('License'), __('License'), $capability, 'gosmtp-license', 'gosmtp_license_handler'); } // Support add_submenu_page( 'gosmtp', __('Support'), __('Support'), $capability, 'gosmtp#support', 'gosmtp_page_handler'); } // SMTP page Handler function gosmtp_page_handler(){ include_once GOSMTP_DIR .'/main/settings.php'; gosmtp_settings_page(); } function gosmtp_logs_handler(){ include_once GOSMTP_PRO_DIR .'/smtp-logs.php'; } function gosmtp_email_reports_handler(){ include_once GOSMTP_PRO_DIR .'/email-reports.php'; gosmtp_reports_table(); } function gosmtp_export_handler(){ include_once GOSMTP_PRO_DIR .'/export.php'; gosmtp_export_page(); } function gosmtp_weekly_email_handler(){ include_once GOSMTP_PRO_DIR .'/weekly_email_reports.php'; gosmtp_send_email_reports(); } function gosmtp_license_handler(){ global $gosmtp; include_once GOSMTP_PRO_DIR .'/license.php'; } if(wp_doing_ajax()){ include_once GOSMTP_DIR.'/main/ajax.php'; } add_action( 'admin_init', 'gosmtp_admin_init'); function gosmtp_admin_init(){ wp_register_style( 'gosmtp-admin', GOSMTP_URL .'/css/admin.css', array(), GOSMTP_VERSION); wp_register_script( 'gosmtp-admin', GOSMTP_URL .'/js/admin.js', array('jquery'), GOSMTP_VERSION); } if(file_exists(GOSMTP_PRO_DIR .'/premium.php')){ include_once GOSMTP_PRO_DIR .'/premium.php'; }