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# Translation of Themes - Twenty Twenty-Two in Polish # This file is distributed under the same license as the Themes - Twenty Twenty-Two package. msgid "" msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-28 06:08:49+0000\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n == 1) ? 0 : ((n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14)) ? 1 : 2);\n" "X-Generator: GlotPress/4.0.1\n" "Language: pl\n" "Project-Id-Version: Themes - Twenty Twenty-Two\n" #. Description of the theme #: style.css #, gp-priority: high msgid "Built on a solidly designed foundation, Twenty Twenty-Two embraces the idea that everyone deserves a truly unique website. The theme’s subtle styles are inspired by the diversity and versatility of birds: its typography is lightweight yet strong, its color palette is drawn from nature, and its layout elements sit gently on the page. The true richness of Twenty Twenty-Two lies in its opportunity for customization. The theme is built to take advantage of the Site Editor features introduced in WordPress 5.9, which means that colors, typography, and the layout of every single page on your site can be customized to suit your vision. It also includes dozens of block patterns, opening the door to a wide range of professionally designed layouts in just a few clicks. Whether you’re building a single-page website, a blog, a business website, or a portfolio, Twenty Twenty-Two will help you create a site that is uniquely yours." msgstr "Zbudowany na solidnie zaprojektowanym fundamencie, Twenty Twenty-Two odzwierciedla ideę, że każdy zasługuje na naprawdę wyjątkową witrynę internetową. Subtelne style motywu inspirowane są różnorodnością i wszechstronnością ptaków: typografia jest lekka, ale mocna, paleta kolorów czerpie z natury, a elementy wyglądu delikatnie układają się na stronie. Prawdziwe bogactwo Twenty Twenty-Two tkwi w możliwościach dostosowania. Motyw został stworzony z myślą o wykorzystaniu funkcji pełnej edycji witryny wprowadzonych w WordPress 5.9, co oznacza, że kolory, typografię i układ każdej strony można dostosować do własnej wizji. Zawiera również dziesiątki wzorów blokowych, otwierając drzwi do szerokiej gamy profesjonalnie zaprojektowanych układów za pomocą zaledwie kilku kliknięć. Niezależnie od tego, czy tworzysz witrynę jednostronicową, bloga, stronę biznesową czy portfolio, Twenty Twenty-Two pomoże stworzyć unikatową witrynę." #. Theme Name of the theme #: style.css #, gp-priority: high msgid "Twenty Twenty-Two" msgstr "Twenty Twenty-Two" #: styles/swiss.json msgctxt "Duotone name" msgid "Default filter" msgstr "Filtr domyślny" #: styles/swiss.json msgctxt "Font family name" msgid "Inter" msgstr "Inter" #: styles/swiss.json msgctxt "Style variation name" msgid "Swiss" msgstr "Swiss" #: styles/pink.json msgctxt "Font family name" msgid "IBM Plex Mono" msgstr "IBM Plex Mono" #: styles/pink.json msgctxt "Font family name" msgid "IBM Plex Sans" msgstr "IBM Plex Sans" #: styles/pink.json msgctxt "Style variation name" msgid "Pink" msgstr "Różowy" #: styles/blue.json msgctxt "Font family name" msgid "DM Sans" msgstr "DM Sans" #: styles/blue.json msgctxt "Style variation name" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Niebieski" #: inc/patterns/hidden-404.php:14 msgid "Search" msgstr "Szukaj" #: inc/patterns/hidden-404.php:14 msgctxt "label" msgid "Search" msgstr "Szukaj" #: theme.json msgctxt "Template part name" msgid "Footer" msgstr "Stopka" #: theme.json msgctxt "Template part name" msgid "Header (Dark, small)" msgstr "Nagłówek (ciemny, mały)" #: theme.json msgctxt "Template part name" msgid "Header (Dark, large)" msgstr "Nagłówek (ciemny, duży)" #: theme.json msgctxt "Template part name" msgid "Header" msgstr "Nagłówek" #: theme.json msgctxt "Custom template name" msgid "Page (No Separators)" msgstr "Strona (bez separatorów)" #: theme.json msgctxt "Custom template name" msgid "Single Post (No Separators)" msgstr "Wpis (bez separatorów)" #: theme.json msgctxt "Custom template name" msgid "Page (Large Header)" msgstr "Strona (duży nagłówek)" #: theme.json msgctxt "Custom template name" msgid "Blank" msgstr "Pusto" #: theme.json msgctxt "Duotone name" msgid "Primary and tertiary" msgstr "Podstawowy i trzeci" #: theme.json msgctxt "Duotone name" msgid "Primary and secondary" msgstr "Podstawowy i drugi" #: theme.json msgctxt "Duotone name" msgid "Primary and background" msgstr "Podstawowy i tło" #: theme.json msgctxt "Duotone name" msgid "Foreground and tertiary" msgstr "Pierwszoplanowy i trzecie" #: theme.json msgctxt "Duotone name" msgid "Foreground and secondary" msgstr "Pierwszoplanowy i drugi" #: theme.json msgctxt "Duotone name" msgid "Foreground and background" msgstr "Pierwszy plan i tło" #: theme.json msgctxt "Gradient name" msgid "Diagonal background to tertiary" msgstr "Diagonalne tło do trzeciego" #: theme.json msgctxt "Gradient name" msgid "Diagonal tertiary to background" msgstr "Diagonalny trzeci do tła" #: theme.json msgctxt "Gradient name" msgid "Diagonal background to secondary" msgstr "Diagonalne tło do drugiego" #: theme.json msgctxt "Gradient name" msgid "Diagonal secondary to background" msgstr "Diagonalny drugi do tła" #: theme.json msgctxt "Gradient name" msgid "Diagonal primary to foreground" msgstr "Diagonalny pierwszy do tła" #: theme.json msgctxt "Gradient name" msgid "Vertical tertiary to background" msgstr "Pionowy trzeci do tła" #: theme.json msgctxt "Gradient name" msgid "Vertical secondary to background" msgstr "Pionowy drugi do tła" #: theme.json msgctxt "Gradient name" msgid "Vertical secondary to tertiary" msgstr "Pionowy drugi do trzeciego" #: styles/blue.json styles/pink.json styles/swiss.json theme.json msgctxt "Color name" msgid "Tertiary" msgstr "Trzeciorzędne" #: styles/blue.json styles/pink.json styles/swiss.json theme.json msgctxt "Color name" msgid "Secondary" msgstr "Drugorzędne" #: styles/blue.json styles/pink.json styles/swiss.json theme.json msgctxt "Color name" msgid "Primary" msgstr "Podstawowy" #: styles/blue.json styles/pink.json styles/swiss.json theme.json msgctxt "Color name" msgid "Background" msgstr "Tło" #: styles/blue.json styles/pink.json styles/swiss.json theme.json msgctxt "Color name" msgid "Foreground" msgstr "Pierwszy plan" #: theme.json msgctxt "Font family name" msgid "Source Serif Pro" msgstr "Source Serif Pro" #: theme.json msgctxt "Font family name" msgid "System Font" msgstr "Czcionka systemowa" #: inc/patterns/query-text-grid.php:6 msgid "Text-based grid of posts" msgstr "Tekstowa siatka wpisów" #: inc/patterns/query-simple-blog.php:6 msgid "Simple blog posts" msgstr "Proste wpisy na blogu" #: inc/patterns/query-large-titles.php:6 msgid "Large post titles" msgstr "Duże tytuły wpisów" #: inc/patterns/query-irregular-grid.php:6 msgid "Irregular grid of posts" msgstr "Nieregularna siatka wpisów" #: inc/patterns/query-image-grid.php:6 msgid "Grid of image posts" msgstr "Siatka obrazków wpisów" #: inc/patterns/query-grid.php:6 msgid "Grid of posts" msgstr "Siatka wpisów" #: inc/patterns/query-default.php:6 msgid "Default posts" msgstr "Domyślne wpisy" #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:56 msgid "The Grand Theater<br>154 Eastern Avenue<br>Maryland NY, 12345" msgstr "The Grand Theater<br>154 Eastern Avenue<br>Maryland NY, 12345" #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:52 msgid "Location" msgstr "Położenie" #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:44 msgid "February, 12 2021" msgstr "21 luty 2019" #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:40 msgid "Date" msgstr "Data" #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:14 msgid "<em>Flutter</em>, a collection of bird-related ephemera" msgstr "<em>Flutter</em>, zbiór efemeryd związanych z ptakami" #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:6 msgid "Poster with right sidebar" msgstr "Plakat z prawym panelem bocznym" #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-grid-posts.php:6 msgid "Grid of posts with left sidebar" msgstr "Siatka wpisów z lewym panelem bocznym" #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-blog-posts.php:6 msgid "Blog posts with left sidebar" msgstr "Wpisy bloga z lewym panelem bocznym" #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-blog-posts-right.php:80 msgid "Tags" msgstr "Tagi" #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-blog-posts-right.php:6 msgid "Blog posts with right sidebar" msgstr "Wpisy bloga z prawym panelem bocznym" #: inc/patterns/page-layout-two-columns.php:58 msgid "POSTS" msgstr "Wpisy" #: inc/patterns/page-layout-two-columns.php:21 msgid "WELCOME" msgstr "WITAJ" #: inc/patterns/page-layout-two-columns.php:10 msgid "<em>Goldfinch </em><br><em>& Sparrow</em>" msgstr "<em>Goldfinch </em><br><em>& Wróbel</em>" #: inc/patterns/page-layout-two-columns.php:6 msgid "Page layout with two columns" msgstr "Dwukolumnowy szablon strony" #: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:53 msgid "Oh hello. My name’s Angelo, and you’ve found your way to my blog. I write about a range of topics, but lately I’ve been sharing my hopes for next year." msgstr "Cześć. Nazywam się Andrzej i jesteś na moim blogu. Piszę na różne tematy, ale ostatnio dzielę się nadziejami na przyszły rok." #: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:42 msgid "An illustration of a bird in flight" msgstr "Rysunek ptaka w locie" #: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:21 msgid "Screening" msgstr "Ekranizacja" #: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:6 msgid "Page layout with image, text and video" msgstr "Szablon strony z obrazkiem, tekstem i filmem" #: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-and-text.php:27 #: inc/patterns/page-layout-two-columns.php:36 msgid "Oh hello. My name’s Angelo, and I operate this blog. I was born in Portland, but I currently live in upstate New York. You may recognize me from publications with names like <a href=\"#\">Eagle Beagle</a> and <a href=\"#\">Mourning Dive</a>. I write for a living.<br><br>I usually use this blog to catalog extensive lists of birds and other things that I find interesting. If you find an error with one of my lists, please keep it to yourself.<br><br>If that’s not your cup of tea, <a href=\"#\">I definitely recommend this tea</a>. It’s my favorite." msgstr "Cześć. Nazywam się Andrzej i prowadzę tego bloga. Urodziłem się w Portland, ale obecnie mieszkam w północnej części stanu Nowy Jork. Możesz mnie rozpoznać z publikacji o nazwach takich jak <a href=\"#\">Eagle Beagle</a> i <a href=\"#\">Mourning Dive</a>. Zarabiam na życie.<br><br>Zazwyczaj używam tego bloga do katalogowania obszernych list ptaków i innych interesujących mnie rzeczy. Jeśli znajdziesz błąd w jednej z moich list, zachowaj to dla siebie.<br><br>Jeśli to nie jest twoja filiżanka herbaty, <a href=\"#\">Zdecydowanie polecam tę herbatę</a>. To moja ulubiona." #: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-and-text.php:15 msgctxt "Short for to be determined" msgid "TBD" msgstr "do ustalenia" #: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-and-text.php:10 msgid "<em>Watching Birds </em><br><em>in the Garden</em>" msgstr "<em>Obserwowanie ptaków </em><br><em>w ogrodzie</em>" #: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-and-text.php:6 msgid "Page layout with image and text" msgstr "Szablon strony z obrazkiem i tekstem" #: inc/patterns/page-about-solid-color.php:22 msgid "Oh hello. My name’s Edvard, and you’ve found your way to my website. I’m an avid bird watcher, and I also broadcast my own radio show every Tuesday evening at 11PM EDT. Listen in sometime!" msgstr "Cześć. Nazywam się Edward i trafiłeś na moją witrynę. Jestem zapalonym obserwatorem ptaków i w każdy wtorek wieczorem o 23:00 nadaję własny program radiowy. Posłuchaj mnie kiedyś!" #: inc/patterns/page-about-solid-color.php:14 msgid "Edvard<br>Smith" msgstr "Edward<br>Kowalski" #: inc/patterns/page-about-solid-color.php:6 msgid "About page on solid color background" msgstr "Strona o mnie z jednolitym kolorem tła" #: inc/patterns/page-about-simple-dark.php:22 msgid "Oh hello. My name’s Jesús, and you’ve found your way to my website. I’m an avid bird watcher, and I also broadcast my own radio show on Tuesday evenings at 11PM EDT." msgstr "Hej, cześć. Nazywam się Jesús i trafiłeś na moją stronę internetową. Jestem zapalonym obserwatorem ptaków, a we wtorkowe wieczory o godzinie 23:00 EDT nadaję także własny program radiowy." #: inc/patterns/page-about-simple-dark.php:18 msgid "Jesús<br>Rodriguez" msgstr "Jesús<br>Rodriguez" #: inc/patterns/page-about-simple-dark.php:6 msgid "Simple dark about page" msgstr "Prosta i ciemna strona o nas" #: inc/patterns/page-about-media-right.php:20 msgid "Oh hello. My name’s Emery, and you’ve found your way to my website. I’m an avid bird watcher, and I also broadcast my own radio show on Tuesday evenings at 11PM EDT." msgstr "O witam. Mam na imię Emery i trafiłeś na moją stronę internetową. Jestem zapalonym obserwatorem ptaków, a także nadawcą mojej własnej audycji radiowej we wtorkowe wieczory o 23:00 czasu EDT." #: inc/patterns/page-about-media-right.php:16 msgid "Emery<br>Driscoll" msgstr "Emery<br>Driscoll" #: inc/patterns/page-about-media-right.php:9 msgid "An image of a bird flying" msgstr "Obrazek przedstawiający ptaka w locie" #: inc/patterns/page-about-media-right.php:6 msgid "About page with media on the right" msgstr "Strona o nas z plikami mediów po prawej" #: inc/patterns/page-about-media-left.php:21 msgid "Oh hello. My name’s Doug, and you’ve found your way to my website. I’m an avid bird watcher, and I also broadcast my own radio show on Tuesday evenings at 11PM EDT." msgstr "O witam. Mam na imię Doug i trafiłeś na moją witrynę internetową. Jestem zapalonym obserwatorem ptaków, a także nadawcą mojej własnej audycji radiowej we wtorkowe wieczory o 23:00 czasu EDT." #: inc/patterns/page-about-media-left.php:17 msgid "Stilton" msgstr "Stilton" #: inc/patterns/page-about-media-left.php:17 msgid "Doug" msgstr "Doug" #: inc/patterns/page-about-media-left.php:9 #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:26 msgid "Image of a bird on a branch" msgstr "Obrazek ptaka na gałęzi" #: inc/patterns/page-about-media-left.php:6 msgid "About page with media on the left" msgstr "Strona o nas z plikami mediów po lewej" #: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:21 msgid "A podcast about birds" msgstr "Podcast o ptakach" #: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:17 msgid "Swoop" msgstr "Swoop" #: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:6 msgid "About page links" msgstr "O odnośnikach do stron" #: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:42 #: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:46 msgid "About the hosts" msgstr "O organizatorach" #: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:38 #: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:42 msgid "Support the show" msgstr "Wesprzyj program" #: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:34 #: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:38 msgid "Listen on Spotify" msgstr "Posłuchaj na Spotify" #: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:30 #: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:34 msgid "Listen on iTunes Podcasts" msgstr "Słuchaj w iTunes Podcasts" #: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:26 #: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:30 msgid "Watch our videos" msgstr "Obejrzyj nasze filmy" #: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:17 msgid "A trouble of hummingbirds" msgstr "Kłopoty z kolibrami" #: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:13 #: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:10 msgid "Logo featuring a flying bird" msgstr "Logo przedstawiające lecącego ptaka" #: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:6 msgid "About page links (dark)" msgstr "O odnośnikach do stron (ciemne)" #: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:6 msgid "About page with large image and buttons" msgstr "Strona informacyjna z dużym zdjęciem i przyciskami" #: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:59 msgid "Join my mailing list" msgstr "Dołącz do mojej listy mailingowej" #: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:51 msgid "Learn about my process" msgstr "Poznaj mój proces" #: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:43 msgid "Read about me" msgstr "Przeczytaj o mnie" #: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:33 msgid "Take a class" msgstr "Weź udział w zajęciach" #: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:25 msgid "Support my studio" msgstr "Wesprzyj moje studio" #: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:17 msgid "Purchase my work" msgstr "Kup moje prace" #: inc/patterns/hidden-bird.php:9 inc/patterns/hidden-heading-and-bird.php:10 msgid "Heading and bird image" msgstr "Nagłówek i wizerunek ptaka" #: inc/patterns/hidden-404.php:12 msgid "This page could not be found. Maybe try a search?" msgstr "Nie można znaleźć strony. Może spróbuj wyszukiwarki?" #: inc/patterns/hidden-404.php:9 msgctxt "Error code for a webpage that is not found." msgid "404" msgstr "404" #: inc/patterns/hidden-404.php:6 msgid "404 content" msgstr "Treść 404" #: inc/patterns/header-with-tagline.php:6 msgid "Header with tagline" msgstr "Nagłówek ze sloganem" #: inc/patterns/header-title-navigation-social.php:6 msgid "Title, navigation, and social links header" msgstr "Tytuł, nawigacja i nagłówek z linkami społecznościowymi" #: inc/patterns/header-title-and-button.php:6 msgid "Title and button header" msgstr "Tytuł i nagłówek przycisku" #: inc/patterns/header-text-only-with-tagline-black-background.php:6 msgid "Text-only header with tagline and background" msgstr "Nagłówek tekstowy z hasłem i tłem" #: inc/patterns/header-text-only-green-background.php:6 #: inc/patterns/header-text-only-salmon-background.php:6 msgid "Text-only header with background" msgstr "Nagłówek tekstowy z hasłem i tłem" #: inc/patterns/header-stacked.php:6 msgid "Logo and navigation header" msgstr "Logo i nagłówek nawigacyjny" #: inc/patterns/header-small-dark.php:6 msgid "Small header with dark background" msgstr "Mały nagłówek z ciemnym tłem" #: inc/patterns/header-logo-navigation-social-black-background.php:6 msgid "Logo, navigation, and social links header with background" msgstr "Logo, nawigacja i odnośniki mediów społecznościowych w nagłówku z tłem" #: inc/patterns/header-logo-navigation-offset-tagline.php:6 msgid "Logo, navigation, and offset tagline Header" msgstr "Logo, nawigacja i przesunięcie hasła w nagłówku" #: inc/patterns/header-logo-navigation-gray-background.php:6 msgid "Logo and navigation header with background" msgstr "Logo i nagłówek nawigacji z tłem" #: inc/patterns/header-large-dark.php:24 #: inc/patterns/hidden-heading-and-bird.php:14 msgid "<em>The Hatchery</em>: a blog about my adventures in bird watching" msgstr "<em>Lęgownia</em>: blog o moich przygodach z obserwacją ptaków" #: inc/patterns/header-large-dark.php:6 msgid "Large header with dark background" msgstr "Duży nagłówek z ciemnym tłem" #: inc/patterns/header-image-background.php:11 msgid "Illustration of a flying bird" msgstr "Ilustracja przedstawiająca ptaka w locie" #: inc/patterns/header-image-background.php:6 msgid "Header with image background" msgstr "Nagłówek z obrazkiem w tle" #: inc/patterns/header-image-background-overlay.php:6 msgid "Header with image background and overlay" msgstr "Nagłówek z obrazkiem w tle i nakładką" #: inc/patterns/header-default.php:6 msgid "Default header" msgstr "Domyślny nagłówek" #: inc/patterns/header-centered-title-navigation-social.php:6 msgid "Centered header with navigation, social links, and background" msgstr "Wyśrodkowany nagłówek z nawigacją, odnośnikami mediów społecznościowych i tłem" #: inc/patterns/header-centered-logo.php:6 msgid "Header with centered logo" msgstr "Nagłówek z logo umieszczonym pośrodku" #: inc/patterns/header-centered-logo-black-background.php:6 msgid "Header with centered logo and background" msgstr "Nagłówek z tłem i logo umieszczonym pośrodku" #: inc/patterns/general-wide-image-intro-buttons.php:31 msgid "Learn More" msgstr "Dowiedz się więcej" #: inc/patterns/general-wide-image-intro-buttons.php:16 msgid "Welcome to<br>the Aviary" msgstr "Witamy w<br>Bawialni" #: inc/patterns/general-wide-image-intro-buttons.php:6 msgid "Wide image with introduction and buttons" msgstr "Szeroki obrazek ze wstępem i przyciskami " #: inc/patterns/general-video-trailer.php:16 #: inc/patterns/general-wide-image-intro-buttons.php:22 msgid "A film about hobbyist bird watchers, a catalog of different birds, paired with the noises they make. Each bird is listed by their scientific name so things seem more official." msgstr "Film o hobbystycznych obserwatorach ptaków, katalog różnych ptaków, połączony z odgłosami, jakie wydają. Każdy ptak jest wymieniony według swojej nazwy naukowej, więc wszystko wydaje się bardziej oficjalne." #: inc/patterns/general-video-trailer.php:12 #: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:49 msgid "Extended Trailer" msgstr "Zwiastun rozszerzony" #: inc/patterns/general-video-trailer.php:6 msgid "Video trailer" msgstr "Zwiastun wideo" #: inc/patterns/general-video-header-details.php:41 msgid "Angelo Tso<br>Edward Stilton<br>Amy Jensen<br>Boston Bell<br>Shay Ford" msgstr "Angelo Tso<br>Edward Stilton<br>Amy Jensen<br>Boston Bell<br>Shay Ford" #: inc/patterns/general-video-header-details.php:35 msgid "Jesús Rodriguez<br>Doug Stilton<br>Emery Driscoll<br>Megan Perry<br>Rowan Price" msgstr "Jesús Rodriguez<br>Doug Stilton<br>Emery Driscoll<br>Megan Perry<br>Rowan Price" #: inc/patterns/general-video-header-details.php:29 msgid "Featuring" msgstr "Występują" #: inc/patterns/general-video-header-details.php:11 #: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:11 msgid "<em>Warble</em>, a film about <br>hobbyist bird watchers." msgstr "<em>Warble</em>, film o <br>hobbystycznych obserwatorach ptaków." #: inc/patterns/general-video-header-details.php:6 msgid "Video with header and details" msgstr "Wideo z nagłówkiem i szczegółami" #: inc/patterns/general-two-images-text.php:42 #: inc/patterns/general-wide-image-intro-buttons.php:35 #: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:30 msgid "Buy Tickets" msgstr "Kup bilety" #: inc/patterns/general-two-images-text.php:29 #: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:25 msgid "May 14th, 2022 @ 7:00PM<br>The Vintagé Theater,<br>245 Arden Rd.<br>Gardenville, NH" msgstr "13 maja 2022 o 19:00<br>The Vintagé Theater,<br>245 Arden Rd.<br>Gardenville, NH" #: inc/patterns/general-two-images-text.php:25 msgid "SCREENING" msgstr "POKAZ" #: inc/patterns/general-two-images-text.php:17 #: inc/patterns/general-wide-image-intro-buttons.php:10 #: inc/patterns/header-large-dark.php:29 inc/patterns/header-small-dark.php:25 #: inc/patterns/hidden-bird.php:12 inc/patterns/hidden-heading-and-bird.php:19 msgid "Illustration of a bird flying." msgstr "Ilustracja przedstawiająca ptaka w locie." #: inc/patterns/general-two-images-text.php:11 msgid "Illustration of a bird sitting on a branch." msgstr "Ilustracja przedstawiająca ptaka na gałęzi." #: inc/patterns/general-two-images-text.php:6 msgid "Two images with text" msgstr "Dwa obrazki z tekstem" #: inc/patterns/general-subscribe.php:16 msgid "Join our mailing list" msgstr "Zapisz się do biuletynu" #: inc/patterns/general-subscribe.php:11 msgid "Watch birds<br>from your inbox" msgstr "Obserwuj ptaki<br>z twojej skrzynki odbiorczej" #: inc/patterns/general-subscribe.php:6 msgid "Subscribe callout" msgstr "Zaproszenie do subskrybowania" #: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:84 msgid "$150" msgstr "600 PLN" #: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:79 msgid "Play a leading role for our community by joining at the Falcon level. This level earns you a seat on our board, where you can help plan future birdwatching expeditions." msgstr "Odegraj wiodącą rolę dla naszej społeczności, dołączając do nas na poziomie Sokół. Wybrany poziom daje miejsce w naszym zarządzie, gdzie można pomóc w planowaniu przyszłych wypraw obserwacyjnych." #: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:75 msgid "Falcon" msgstr "Sokół" #: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:71 msgctxt "Third item in a numbered list." msgid "3" msgstr "3" #: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:56 msgid "$75" msgstr "300 PLN" #: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:51 msgid "Join at the Sparrow level and become a member of our flock! You’ll receive our newsletter, plus a bird pin that you can wear with pride when you’re out in nature." msgstr "Dołącz na poziomie Wróbel i zostań członkiem naszego stada! Otrzymasz nasz biuletyn oraz przypinkę z ptakiem, którą możesz nosić z dumą, gdy jesteś na łonie natury. " #: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:47 msgid "Sparrow" msgstr "Wróbel" #: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:43 msgctxt "Second item in a numbered list." msgid "2" msgstr "2" #: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:28 msgid "$25" msgstr "100 PLN" #: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:23 msgid "Help support our growing community by joining at the Pigeon level. Your support will help pay our writers, and you’ll get access to our exclusive newsletter." msgstr "Pomóż wesprzeć naszą rosnącą społeczność dołączając do nas na poziomie Gołębia. Twoje wsparcie pomoże opłacić naszych pisarzy i otrzymasz dostęp do naszego ekskluzywnego biuletynu." #: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:19 msgid "Pigeon" msgstr "Gołąb" #: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:15 msgctxt "First item in a numbered list." msgid "1" msgstr "1" #: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:6 msgid "Pricing table" msgstr "Cennik" #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:103 msgid "Emery Driscoll" msgstr "Emery Driscoll" #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:97 msgid "May 20th, 2022, 6 PM" msgstr "20 maja 2022, 18:00" #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:79 msgid "Amy Jensen" msgstr "Amy Jensen" #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:73 msgid "May 18th, 2022, 7 PM" msgstr "18 maja 2022, 19:00" #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:61 #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:109 msgid "The Swell Theater<br>120 River Rd.<br>Rainfall, NH" msgstr "The Swell Theater<br>120 River Rd.<br>Rainfall, NH" #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:55 msgid "Doug Stilton" msgstr "Doug Stilton" #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:49 msgid "May 16th, 2022, 6 PM" msgstr "16 maja 2022, 18:00" #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:37 #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:85 msgid "The Vintagé Theater<br>245 Arden Rd.<br>Gardenville, NH" msgstr "The Vintagé Theater<br>245 Arden Rd.<br>Gardenville, NH" #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:31 msgid "Jesús Rodriguez" msgstr "Jesús Rodriguez" #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:25 msgid "May 14th, 2022, 6 PM" msgstr "14 maja 2022, 6:00" #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:11 msgid "Speaker Series" msgstr "Seria wykładów" #: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:6 msgid "List of events" msgstr "Lista wydarzeń" #: inc/patterns/general-layered-images-with-duotone.php:10 #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-blog-posts-right.php:58 msgid "Illustration of a flying bird." msgstr "Ilustracja przedstawiająca ptaka w locie." #: inc/patterns/general-layered-images-with-duotone.php:9 #: inc/patterns/header-image-background-overlay.php:11 msgid "Painting of ducks in the water." msgstr "Malowanie kaczek w wodzie." #: inc/patterns/general-layered-images-with-duotone.php:6 msgid "Layered images with duotone" msgstr "Warstwowe obrazki z bichromią" #: inc/patterns/general-large-list-names.php:30 msgid "Read more" msgstr "Dowiedz się więcej" #: inc/patterns/general-large-list-names.php:21 msgid "Jesús Rodriguez, Doug Stilton, Emery Driscoll, Megan Perry, Rowan Price, Angelo Tso, Edward Stilton, Amy Jensen, Boston Bell, Shay Ford, Lee Cunningham, Evelynn Ray, Landen Reese, Ewan Hart, Jenna Chan, Phoenix Murray, Mel Saunders, Aldo Davidson, Zain Hall." msgstr "Jesús Rodriguez, Doug Stilton, Emery Driscoll, Megan Perry, Rowan Price, Angelo Tso, Edward Stilton, Amy Jensen, Boston Bell, Shay Ford, Lee Cunningham, Evelynn Ray, Landen Reese, Ewan Hart, Jenna Chan, Phoenix Murray, Mel Saunders, Aldo Davidson, Zain Hall." #: inc/patterns/general-large-list-names.php:11 #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:32 msgid "An icon representing binoculars." msgstr "Ikona przedstawiająca lornetkę." #: inc/patterns/general-large-list-names.php:6 msgid "Large list of names" msgstr "Duża lista nazw" #: inc/patterns/general-image-with-caption.php:15 msgid "A beautiful bird featuring a surprising set of color feathers." msgstr "Piękny ptak o zaskakujących kolorami piórach." #: inc/patterns/general-image-with-caption.php:11 msgid "Hummingbird" msgstr "Koliber" #: inc/patterns/general-image-with-caption.php:10 msgid "Hummingbird illustration" msgstr "Ilustracja kolibra" #: inc/patterns/general-image-with-caption.php:6 msgid "Image with caption" msgstr "Obrazek z podpisem" #: inc/patterns/general-featured-posts.php:6 msgid "Featured posts" msgstr "Wyróżnione wpisy" #: inc/patterns/general-divider-light.php:6 msgid "Divider with image and color (light)" msgstr "Rozdzielacz z obrazkiem i kolorem (jasny)" #: inc/patterns/general-divider-dark.php:6 msgid "Divider with image and color (dark)" msgstr "Rozdzielacz z obrazkiem i kolorem (ciemny)" #: inc/patterns/footer-title-tagline-social.php:6 msgid "Footer with title, tagline, and social links on a dark background" msgstr "Stopka z tytułem, hasłem i odnośnikami mediów społecznościowych na ciemnym tle" #: inc/patterns/footer-social-copyright.php:6 msgid "Footer with social links and copyright" msgstr "Stopka z odnośnikami społecznościowymi i informacjami o prawach autorskich" #: inc/patterns/footer-query-title-citation.php:6 msgid "Footer with query, title, and citation" msgstr "Stopka z listą, tytułem i cytowaniem" #: inc/patterns/footer-query-images-title-citation.php:6 msgid "Footer with query, featured images, title, and citation" msgstr "Stopka z listą, wyróżnionymi obrazkami, tytułem i cytowaniem" #: inc/patterns/footer-navigation.php:6 msgid "Footer with navigation and citation" msgstr "Stopka z nawigacją i cytowaniem" #: inc/patterns/footer-navigation-copyright.php:20 #: inc/patterns/footer-social-copyright.php:24 msgid "© Site Title" msgstr "© Nazwa witryny" #: inc/patterns/footer-navigation-copyright.php:6 msgid "Footer with navigation and copyright" msgstr "Stopka z nawigacją i informacją o prawach autorskich" #: inc/patterns/footer-logo.php:6 msgid "Footer with logo and citation" msgstr "Stopka z logo i cytowaniem" #: inc/patterns/footer-default.php:6 msgid "Default footer" msgstr "Stopka domyślna" #: inc/patterns/footer-dark.php:6 msgid "Dark footer with title and citation" msgstr "Ciemna stopka z logo i cytowaniem" #: inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:50 inc/patterns/footer-dark.php:18 #: inc/patterns/footer-default.php:18 inc/patterns/footer-logo.php:18 #: inc/patterns/footer-navigation.php:20 #: inc/patterns/footer-query-images-title-citation.php:35 #: inc/patterns/footer-query-title-citation.php:33 msgid "https://wordpress.org" msgstr "https://pl.wordpress.org" #. Translators: WordPress link. #: inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:49 inc/patterns/footer-dark.php:17 #: inc/patterns/footer-default.php:17 inc/patterns/footer-logo.php:17 #: inc/patterns/footer-navigation.php:19 #: inc/patterns/footer-query-images-title-citation.php:34 #: inc/patterns/footer-query-title-citation.php:32 msgid "Proudly powered by %s" msgstr "Dumnie wspierane przez %s" #: inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:31 #: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-blog-posts-right.php:74 msgid "Categories" msgstr "Kategorie" #: inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:23 inc/patterns/general-featured-posts.php:10 msgid "Latest posts" msgstr "Ostatnie wpisy" #: inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:6 msgid "Blog footer" msgstr "Stopka bloga" #: inc/patterns/footer-about-title-logo.php:17 inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:17 msgid "We are a rogue collective of bird watchers. We’ve been known to sneak through fences, climb perimeter walls, and generally trespass in order to observe the rarest of birds." msgstr "Jesteśmy szelmowskim zespołem obserwatorów ptaków. Znani jesteśmy z przemykania się przez ogrodzenia, wspinania na otaczające mury i innych wykroczeń, by obserwować najrzadsze gatunki ptaków." #: inc/patterns/footer-about-title-logo.php:13 inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:13 msgid "About us" msgstr "O nas" #: inc/patterns/footer-about-title-logo.php:6 msgid "Footer with text, title, and logo" msgstr "Stopka z tekstem, tytułem i logo" #: inc/block-patterns.php:21 msgid "Pages" msgstr "Strony" #: inc/block-patterns.php:20 msgid "Query" msgstr "Zapytanie" #: inc/block-patterns.php:19 msgid "Headers" msgstr "Nagłówki" #: inc/block-patterns.php:18 msgid "Footers" msgstr "Stopki" #: inc/block-patterns.php:17 msgid "Featured" msgstr "Wyróżnione" #. Theme URI of the theme #: style.css #, gp-priority: low msgid "https://wordpress.org/themes/twentytwentytwo/" msgstr "https://pl.wordpress.org/themes/twentytwentytwo/" #. Author URI of the theme #: style.css #, gp-priority: low msgid "https://wordpress.org/" msgstr "https://pl.wordpress.org/" #. Author of the theme #: style.css #, gp-priority: low msgid "the WordPress team" msgstr "zespół WordPressa"